Saturday, December 20, 2008


Here I am late Saturday evening sitting on my very comfortable brown recliner perfecting my crazy look. I've had a pretty awesome "singular" man day, here is what I have accomplished:

1. Been in my pajamy-jams ALL day.
2. Completed at least 4 games on NCAA Football 2009 (dynasty mode).
3. Watched Mummy 3 (eh, it was ok...renter at best)
4. Watched Bowl games.....they've been AWESOME.
5. Made Emily watch a SNL Digital Shorts video: J*** in my pants, she was not amused. :-)
6. Completed at least 2 more games on NCAA Football 2009 (dynasty mode).
7. Cooked (sorta) 1lb of Beef Stew, 2 beef and bean frozen burritos, washed down with a can of diet coke (yep, I'm that guy).

I hope that everyone has had as much fun time as I have had today! Tune in for tomorrow's blog, I will be venting about bad drivers, why Itunes is the devil, and Yard Gnomes.


"The man who smiles when things go wrong has thought of someone to blame it on."

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